CLM for Legal Ops: the experience of the Legal Efficiency team at Solar Coca-Cola

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Food and Beverage

Use of netLex

Internal Requests; Document Management

Recently created, Solar Coca-Cola's Legal Operations team, called Legal Efficiency, had the challenge of generating a quick and substantial impact on work routine.

Inspired by the successful example of Solar’s Legal team, who had been using netLex for a long time, they did not hesitate to use the platform to achieve this goal. Understand everything about this story with Patrícia Caúla, Legal Efficiency Coordinator; Michelle Vieira, Legal Assistant and Sabrina Santos, Legal Efficiency Analyst.

Solar Coca-Cola’s challenges

  • As a newly created area, they needed to deliver results with agility and impact;
  • They managed decentralized requests that came by email, making organization difficult;
  • They needed to structure a flow to sign documents observing strict internal rules;
  • Internal clients had many questions and needed visibility about their requests;
  • There was an excess of operational tasks that limited the team's strategic performance.
Solar Coca-Cola Legal team already had a successful partnership with netLex. Therefore, when they opened the Legal Operations area, called Legal Efficiency, they didn't think twice before expanding the platform’s use to generate results faster in the new area.

How netLex helped Solar Coca-Cola

  • The simplicity of the system allowed quick results with the implementation of new workflows;
  • With the flexibility of the platform, it was easier to set templates and workflows;
  • Usability and quality of service reinforced internal client’s satisfaction;
  • Optimization of the operational tasks allowed the team to focus on strategic actions;
  • Improving intelligence and knowledge management, with data, communications records and more.

Get in touch with our experts

Without a shadow of a doubt, it's an excellent gain. Intelligence, Kanban, organizing my activities, seeing my SLA... I can't even specify what is my favorite feature on the platform, I think that everything is so complementary that it becomes essential.
Patrícia Caúla: Legal Efficiency Coordinator at Solar Coca-Cola

Patrícia Caúla


Legal Efficiency Coordinator at Solar Coca-Cola

Patrícia Caúla: Legal Efficiency Coordinator at Solar Coca-Cola

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