Technology for contract management on a retail giant

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Use of netLex

Legal Consultation; External contracts; Contracts (Buy Side)

C&A Modas has more than 330 stores in 150 Brazilian cities, and has more than 15 thousand employees. The legal department at the retail giant was already a market reference and brought netLex the challenge of going further: generating intelligence and optimizing processes that span the company as a whole.

The results were exceptional and benefited all areas involved with contract management. Know more with Luis Ramos, Legal Manager, Caio Barros Ferraz, Senior Lawyer, and Natália Martinez Soldá, Junior Lawyer at C&A Modas.

C&A Modas’ challenges

  • Excessively manual work, including the elaboration and management of documents;
  • Disorganized consultations, without consolidation and centralization of requests;
  • Difficulty in extracting data quickly for strategic planning;
  • Waste of time and effort on activities that generate little value;
  • Lack of visibility into contract history and status.
C&As one of the largest retail chains in the world, C&A needs to manage its contracts with efficiency and data intelligence. netLex came to help achieve these goals, involving Legal, Procurement, IT and many other teams to better manage the entire lifecycle of their documents.

How netLex helped C&A Modas

  • Personalized service to adapt the system to the company's flows;
  • Simple and intuitive platform that encourages adoption by internal clients;
  • Automatic data extraction for reporting and decision making;
  • Centralization and consolidation of requests related to contracts;
  • More agility and legal certainty throughout the lifecycle of documents.

Get in touch with our experts

Hiring governance is no longer a problem here in our company. It was the use of netLex that provided the leverage for the level of maturity we have today.
Luis Henrique Ramos: Senior Legal Manager at C&A Modas

Luis Henrique Ramos


Senior Legal Manager at C&A Modas

Luis Henrique Ramos: Senior Legal Manager at C&A Modas

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