Hiring suppliers with agility and legal security

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Construction and Engineering

Use of netLex


Andrade Gutierrez is a reference in the civil construction sector, operating for over 74 years with a focus on quality and innovation. To continue like this, the Legal and Supply teams came together to make the entire supplier contracting process more efficient.

To achieve this goal, they had netLex’s help. See everything about this successful partnership with Júlia Cândido, Risk and Contract Administration Manager, Joanna Pinheiro, Supply Coordinator and Niédja Rosendo, analyst at Andrade Gutierrez.

Andrade Gutierrez’s challenges

  • Inability to speed up the contract’s cycle without losing legal security;
  • Complex and inflexible drafts, which did not help the internal client;
  • Bottlenecks in manual operations, such as difficulty locating documents;
  • Waste of time preparing and reviewing files page by page;
  • Difficulty in following up on authorized risks in ongoing projects.
Andrade Gutierrez relied on netLex to digitize the entire contracting chain by the Supply team. In doing so, they achieved their goal of increasing the agility of business teams while maintaining the “AG Standard” of governance and risk allocation in supplier relationships.

How netLex helped Andrade Gutierrez

  • Autonomy to adapt the platform and solve problems in the company;
  • Visibility of indicators for intelligence and management;
  • Legal department focused on strategic demands, bringing more value to the business;
  • Safety and agility for the Procurement team to respond to emergencies;
  • Full and automatic recording of all communications and approvals.

Get in touch with our experts

Efficiency that translates into numbers


of contracts are signed in the AG standard



contracts require some intervention from the Legal team


of contracts are signed in the AG standard

When we bought this autonomy for ourselves, we became a problem solver in the company.
Julia Cândido C. Gonçalves: Superintendent of Risks and Contracts at Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia S.A.

Julia Cândido C. Gonçalves


Superintendent of Risks and Contracts at Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia S.A.

Julia Cândido C. Gonçalves: Superintendent of Risks and Contracts at Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia S.A.

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